Variable_name = Conversion_function_name(expression)
序号 | 功能说明 |
1 | CDbl 一个函数,它将给定数量的任何变体子类型转换为double |
2 | CInt 一个函数,它将给定数量的任何变体子类型转换为Integer |
3 | CLng 一个将给定数量的任何变体子类型转换为Long的函数 |
4 | CSng 一个函数,它将给定数量的任何变体子类型转换为Single |
5 | Hex 一个函数,它将给定数量的任何变体子类型转换为十六进制 |
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript"> x = 123 y = 123.882 document.write("x value after converting to double - " & CDbl(x) & "<br />") document.write("y value after converting to double - " & CDbl(y) & "<br />") document.write("x value after converting to Int -" & CInt(x) & "<br />") document.write("y value after converting to Int -" & CInt(y) & "<br />") document.write("x value after converting to Long -" & CLng(x) & "<br />") document.write("y value after converting to Long -" & CLng(y) & "<br />") document.write("x value after converting to Single -" & CSng(x) & "<br />") document.write("y value after converting to Single -" & CSng(y) & "<br />") document.write("x value after converting to Hex -" & Hex(x) & "<br />") document.write("y value after converting to Hex -" & Hex(y) & "<br />") </script> </body> </html>
x value after converting to double - 123 y value after converting to double - 123.882 x value after converting to Int -123 y value after converting to Int -124 x value after converting to Long -123 y value after converting to Long -124 x value after converting to Single -123 y value after converting to Single -123.882 x value after converting to Hex -7B y value after converting to Hex -7C
variablename = Format_function_Name(Expression[,NumberDigAfterDec[,LeadingDig[, UseParForNegNum[,GroupDigits]]]])
- 必需参数Format_function_Name对应于下面列出的任何数字格式化功能。
- 可选参数Expression对应于任何数字表达式,这将导致一个数字。
- 可选参数NumberDigAfterDec对应于小数点后的位数。
- 可选参数LeadingDig对应于分数值是否显示前导零。它基于以下设置参数采用三个值之一。
- 可选参数UseParForNegNum对应于是否在括号内放置负值。它基于以下设置参数采用三个值之一。
- 可选参数GroupDigits对应于是否使用组定界符对数字进行分组。它基于以下设置参数采用三个值之一。
- -2 = vbUseDefault-使用计算机的区域设置
- -1 = vbTrue-真
- 0 = vbFalse-错误
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript"> Dim num : num = -645.998651 document.write("Line 1 : " & FormatNumber(num, 3))& "<br/>" ' The UseParensForNegativeNumbers parameter is set to true. document.write("Line 2 : " & FormatNumber (num, 3, , vbTrue))&" <br/> " ' The GroupDigits parameter is set to false. document.write("Line 3 : " & FormatNumber (num, 3, , , vbFalse)) & "<br/>" document.write("Line 4 : " & FormatPercent(num, 3))& "<br/>" ' The UseParensForNegativeNumbers parameter is set to true. document.write("Line 5 : " & FormatPercent (num, 3, , vbTrue))&" <br/> " ' The GroupDigits parameter is set to false. document.write("Line 6 : " & FormatPercent (num, 3, , , vbFalse)) & "<br/>" </script> </body> </html>
Line 1 : -645.999 Line 2 : (645.999) Line 3 : -645.999 Line 4 : -64,599.865% Line 5 : (64,599.865%) Line 6 : -64599.865%
序号 | 功能说明 |
1 | FormatNumber 一个函数,它将返回一个格式化为数字的表达式 |
2 | FormatPercent 一个函数,它将返回一个格式化为百分比的表达式 |
variablename = Mathematical_function_Name(Expression)
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript"> Dim num1 : num1 = -645.998651 Dim num2 : num2 = 210 document.write("int Result of num1 is : " & int(num1))& "<br/>" document.write("int Result of num2 is : " & int(num2))& "<br/>" document.write("Fix Result of num1 is : " & Fix(num1))& "<br/>" document.write("Fix Result of num2 is : " & Fix(num2))& "<br/>" document.write("Log Result of num2 is : " & Log(num2))& "<br/>" document.write("Oct Result of num1 is : " & Oct(num1))& "<br/>" document.write("Oct Result of num2 is : " & Oct(num2))& "<br/>" document.write("Hex Result of num1 is : " & Hex(num1))& "<br/>" document.write("Hex Result of num2 is : " & Hex(num2))& "<br/>" document.write("Rnd Result of num1 is : " & Rnd(num1))& "<br/>" document.write("Rnd Result of num2 is : " & Rnd(num2))& "<br/>" document.write("Sgn Result of num1 is : " & Sgn(num1))& "<br/>" document.write("Sgn Result of num2 is : " & Sgn(num2))& "<br/>" document.write("Sqr Result of num2 is : " & Sqr(num2))& "<br/>" document.write("Abs Result of num1 is : " & Abs(num1))& "<br/>" document.write("Abs Result of num2 is : " & Abs(num2))& "<br/>" document.write("Exp Result of num1 is : " & Exp(num1))& "<br/>" document.write("Exp Result of num2 is : " & Exp(num2))& "<br/>" document.write("Sin Result of num1 is : " & Sin(num1))& "<br/>" document.write("Sin Result of num2 is : " & Sin(num2))& "<br/>" document.write("Cos Result of num1 is : " & Cos(num1))& "<br/>" document.write("Cos Result of num2 is : " & Cos(num2))& "<br/>" document.write("Tan Result of num1 is : " & Tan(num1))& "<br/>" document.write("Tan Result of num2 is : " & Tan(num2))& "<br/>" </script> </body> </html>
int Result of num1 is : -646 int Result of num2 is : 210 Fix Result of num1 is : -645 Fix Result of num2 is : 210 Log Result of num2 is : 5.34710753071747 Oct Result of num1 is : 37777776572 Oct Result of num2 is : 322 Hex Result of num1 is : FFFFFD7A Hex Result of num2 is : D2 Rnd Result of num1 is : 0.5130115 Rnd Result of num2 is : 0.5615935 Sgn Result of num1 is : -1 Sgn Result of num2 is : 1 Sqr Result of num2 is : 14.4913767461894 Abs Result of num1 is : 645.998651 Abs Result of num2 is : 210 Exp Result of num1 is : 2.79479883633128E-281 Exp Result of num2 is : 1.59162664037792E+91 Sin Result of num1 is : 0.920530264916375 Sin Result of num2 is : 0.467718518342759 Cos Result of num1 is : 0.390671257418547 Cos Result of num2 is : -0.883877473182372 Tan Result of num1 is : 2.35627845006822 Tan Result of num2 is : -0.529166691689464
序号 | 功能说明 |
1 | Int 一个函数,它返回给定数字的整数部分 |
2 | Fix 一个函数,它返回给定数字的整数部分 |
3 | Log 一个函数,它返回给定数字的自然对数。不允许负数 |
4 | Oct 一个函数,该函数返回给定百分比的八进制值 |
5 | Hex 一个函数,该函数返回给定数字的十六进制值 |
6 | Rnd 一个函数,返回0到1之间的随机数 |
7 | Sgn 一个函数,它返回一个与指定数字的符号相对应的数字 |
8 | Sqr 一个函数,它返回给定数字的平方根。不允许负数 |
9 | Abs 一个函数,它返回给定数字的绝对值 |
10 | Exp 一个函数,该函数将e的值返回指定的数字 |
11 | Sin 一个函数,返回给定数字的正弦值 |
12 | Cos 一个函数,返回给定数字的余弦值 |
13 | Tan 一个函数,该函数返回给定数字的正切值 |