

1002错误Unterminated string literal.未终止的字符串文本。
1003错误Identifier expected.应为标识符。
1005错误‘{0}’ expected.应为“{0}”。
1006错误A file cannot have a reference to itself.文件不能引用自身。
1009错误Trailing comma not allowed.不允许使用尾随逗号。
1010错误‘*/’ expected.应为 “*/”。
1012错误Unexpected token.意外的标记。
1014错误A rest parameter must be last in a parameter list.rest 参数必须是参数列表中的最后一个参数。
1015错误Parameter cannot have question mark and initializer.参数不能包含问号和初始化表达式。
1016错误A required parameter cannot follow an optional parameter.必选参数不能位于可选参数后。
1017错误An index signature cannot have a rest parameter.索引签名不能包含 rest 参数。
1018错误An index signature parameter cannot have an accessibility modifier.索引签名参数不能具有可访问性修饰符。
1019错误An index signature parameter cannot have a question mark.索引签名参数不能包含问号。
1020错误An index signature parameter cannot have an initializer.索引签名参数不能具有初始化表达式。
1021错误An index signature must have a type annotation.索引签名必须具有类型批注。
1022错误An index signature parameter must have a type annotation.索引签名参数必须具有类型批注。
1023错误An index signature parameter type must be ‘string’ or ‘number’.索引签名参数类型必须为 “string” 或 “number”。
1024错误‘readonly’ modifier can only appear on a property declaration or index signature.
1028错误Accessibility modifier already seen.已看到可访问性修饰符。
1029错误‘{0}’ modifier must precede ‘{1}’ modifier.“{0}”修饰符必须位于“{1}”修饰符之前。
1030错误‘{0}’ modifier already seen.已看到“{0}”修饰符。
1031错误‘{0}’ modifier cannot appear on a class element.“{0}”修饰符不能出现在类元素上。
1034错误‘super’ must be followed by an argument list or member access.“super” 的后面必须是参数列表或成员访问。
1035错误Only ambient modules can use quoted names.仅环境模块可使用带引号的名称。
1036错误Statements are not allowed in ambient contexts.不允许在环境上下文中使用语句。
1038错误A ‘declare’ modifier cannot be used in an already ambient context.不能在已有的环境上下文中使用 “declare” 修饰符。
1039错误Initializers are not allowed in ambient contexts.不允许在环境上下文中使用初始化表达式。
1040错误‘{0}’ modifier cannot be used in an ambient context.“{0}”修饰符不能在环境上下文中使用。
1041错误‘{0}’ modifier cannot be used with a class declaration.“{0}”修饰符不能与类声明一起使用。
1042错误‘{0}’ modifier cannot be used here.“{0}”修饰符不能在此处使用。
1043错误‘{0}’ modifier cannot appear on a data property.“{0}”修饰符不能出现在数据属性上。
1044错误‘{0}’ modifier cannot appear on a module or namespace element.“{0}”修饰符不能出现在模块元素上。
1045错误A ‘{0}’ modifier cannot be used with an interface declaration.“{0}”修饰符不能与接口声明一起使用。
1046错误A ‘declare’ modifier is required for a top level declaration in a .d.ts file.在 .d.ts 文件中的顶层声明需要 “declare” 修饰符。
1047错误A rest parameter cannot be optional.rest 参数不能为可选参数。
1048错误A rest parameter cannot have an initializer.rest 参数不能具有初始化表达式。
1049错误A ‘set’ accessor must have exactly one parameter.“set” 访问器必须正好具有一个参数。
1051错误A ‘set’ accessor cannot have an optional parameter.“set” 访问器不能具有可选参数。
1052错误A ‘set’ accessor parameter cannot have an initializer.“set” 访问器参数不能包含初始化表达式。
1053错误A ‘set’ accessor cannot have rest parameter.“set” 访问器不能具有 rest 参数。
1054错误A ‘get’ accessor cannot have parameters.“get” 访问器不能具有参数。
1055错误Type ‘{0}’ is not a valid async function return type in ES5/ES3 because it does not refer to a Promise-compatible constructor value.类型“{0}”不是有效的异步函数返回类型。
1056错误Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher.访问器仅在面向 ECMAScript 5 和更高版本时可用。
1057错误An async function or method must have a valid awaitable return type.异步函数或方法必须具有有效的可等待返回类型。
1058错误Operand for ‘await’ does not have a valid callable ‘then’ member.“await” 的操作数不具有有效的可调用 “then” 成员。
1059错误Return expression in async function does not have a valid callable ‘then’ member.异步函数中的返回表达式不具有有效的可调用 “then” 成员。
1060错误Expression body for async arrow function does not have a valid callable ‘then’ member.异步箭头函数的表达式主体不具有有效的可调用 “then” 成员。
1061错误Enum member must have initializer.枚举成员必须具有初始化表达式。
1062错误{0} is referenced directly or indirectly in the fulfillment callback of its own ‘then’ method.{0} 在其自身的 “then” 方法的 fulfillment 回调中得到直接或间接引用。
1063错误An export assignment cannot be used in a namespace.不能在命名空间中使用导出分配。
1064错误The return type of an async function or method must be the global Promise type.The return type of an async function or method must be the global Promise type.
1066错误In ambient enum declarations member initializer must be constant expression.在环境枚举声明中,成员初始化表达式必须是常数表达式。
1068错误Unexpected token. A constructor, method, accessor, or property was expected.意外的标记。应为构造函数、方法、访问器或属性。
1070错误‘{0}’ modifier cannot appear on a type member.
1071错误‘{0}’ modifier cannot appear on an index signature.
1079错误A ‘{0}’ modifier cannot be used with an import declaration.“{0}”修饰符不能与导入声明一起使用。
1084错误Invalid ‘reference’ directive syntax.“reference” 指令语法无效。
1085错误Octal literals are not available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher. Use the syntax ‘{0}’.面向 ECMAScript 5 和更高版本时,八进制文本不可用。
1086错误An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.不能在环境上下文中声明访问器。
1089错误‘{0}’ modifier cannot appear on a constructor declaration.“{0}”修饰符不能出现在构造函数声明中。
1090错误‘{0}’ modifier cannot appear on a parameter.“{0}”修饰符不能出现在参数中。
1091错误Only a single variable declaration is allowed in a ‘for…in’ statement.“for…in” 语句中只允许单个变量声明。
1092错误Type parameters cannot appear on a constructor declaration.类型参数不能出现在构造函数声明中。
1093错误Type annotation cannot appear on a constructor declaration.类型批注不能出现在构造函数声明中。
1094错误An accessor cannot have type parameters.访问器不能具有类型参数。
1095错误A ‘set’ accessor cannot have a return type annotation.“set” 访问器不能具有返回类型批注。
1096错误An index signature must have exactly one parameter.索引签名必须正好具有一个参数。
1097错误‘{0}’ list cannot be empty.“{0}”列表不能为空。
1098错误Type parameter list cannot be empty.类型参数列表不能为空。
1099错误Type argument list cannot be empty.类型参数列表不能为空。
1100错误Invalid use of ‘{0}’ in strict mode.严格模式下“{0}”的使用无效。
1101错误‘with’ statements are not allowed in strict mode.严格模式下不允许使用 “with” 语句。
1102错误‘delete’ cannot be called on an identifier in strict mode.在严格模式下,无法对标识符调用 “delete”。
1104错误A ‘continue’ statement can only be used within an enclosing iteration statement.“continue” 语句只能在封闭迭代语句内使用。
1105错误A ‘break’ statement can only be used within an enclosing iteration or switch statement.“break” 语句只能在封闭迭代或 switch 语句内使用。
1107错误Jump target cannot cross function boundary.跳转目标不能跨越函数边界。
1108错误A ‘return’ statement can only be used within a function body.“return” 语句只能在函数体中使用。
1109错误Expression expected.应为表达式。
1110错误Type expected.应为类型。
1113错误A ‘default’ clause cannot appear more than once in a ‘switch’ statement.“default” 子句在 “switch” 语句中只能出现一次。
1114错误Duplicate label ‘{0}’标签“{0}”重复
1115错误A ‘continue’ statement can only jump to a label of an enclosing iteration statement.“continue” 语句只能跳转到封闭迭代语句的标签。
1116错误A ‘break’ statement can only jump to a label of an enclosing statement.“break” 语句只能跳转到封闭语句的标签。
1117错误An object literal cannot have multiple properties with the same name in strict mode.严格模式下,对象文字不能包含多个具有相同名称的属性。
1118错误An object literal cannot have multiple get/set accessors with the same name.对象文字不能具有多个具有相同名称的 get/set 访问器。
1119错误An object literal cannot have property and accessor with the same name.对象文字不能包含具有相同名称的属性和访问器。
1120错误An export assignment cannot have modifiers.导出分配不能具有修饰符。
1121错误Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.严格模式下不允许使用八进制文本。
1122错误A tuple type element list cannot be empty.元组类型元素列表不能为空。
1123错误Variable declaration list cannot be empty.变量声明列表不能为空。
1124错误Digit expected.应为数字。
1125错误Hexadecimal digit expected.应为十六进制数字。
1126错误Unexpected end of text.文本意外结束。
1127错误Invalid character.无效的字符。
1128错误Declaration or statement expected.应为声明或语句。
1129错误Statement expected.应为语句。
1130错误‘case’ or ‘default’ expected.应为 “case” 或 “default”。
1131错误Property or signature expected.应为属性或签名。
1132错误Enum member expected.应为枚举成员。
1134错误Variable declaration expected.应为变量声明。
1135错误Argument expression expected.应为参数表达式。
1136错误Property assignment expected.应为属性分配。
1137错误Expression or comma expected.应为表达式或逗号。
1138错误Parameter declaration expected.应为参数声明。
1139错误Type parameter declaration expected.应为类型参数声明。
1140错误Type argument expected.应为类型参数。
1141错误String literal expected.应为字符串文本。
1142错误Line break not permitted here.不允许在此处换行。
1144错误‘{‘ or ‘;’ expected.应为 “{” 或 “;”。
1146错误Declaration expected.应为声明。
1147错误Import declarations in a namespace cannot reference a module.命名空间中的导入声明不能引用模块。
1148错误Cannot use imports, exports, or module augmentations when ‘–module’ is ‘none’.Cannot compile modules unless the ‘–module’ flag is provided with a valid module type. Consider setting the ‘module’ compiler option in a ‘tsconfig.json’ file.
1149错误File name ‘{0}’ differs from already included file name ‘{1}’ only in casing文件名“{0}”仅在大小写方面与包含的文件名“{1}”不同
1150错误‘new T[]’ cannot be used to create an array. Use ‘new Array()’ instead.“new T[]” 不能用于创建数组。请改用 “new Array()”。
1155错误‘const’ declarations must be initialized必须初始化 “const” 声明
1156错误‘const’ declarations can only be declared inside a block.“const” 声明只能在块的内部声明。
1157错误‘let’ declarations can only be declared inside a block.“let” 声明只能在块的内部声明。
1160错误Unterminated template literal.未终止的模板文本。
1161错误Unterminated regular expression literal.未终止的正则表达式文本。
1162错误An object member cannot be declared optional.对象成员无法声明为可选。
1163错误A ‘yield’ expression is only allowed in a generator body.只允许在生成器正文中使用 “yield” 表达式。
1164错误Computed property names are not allowed in enums.枚举中不允许计算属性名。
1165错误A computed property name in an ambient context must directly refer to a built-in symbol.环境上下文中的计算属性名必须直接引用内置符号。
1166错误A computed property name in a class property declaration must directly refer to a built-in symbol.类属性声明中的计算属性名必须直接引用内置符号。
1168错误A computed property name in a method overload must directly refer to a built-in symbol.方法重载中的计算属性名必须直接引用内置符号。
1169错误A computed property name in an interface must directly refer to a built-in symbol.接口中的计算属性名必须直接引用内置符号。
1170错误A computed property name in a type literal must directly refer to a built-in symbol.类型文本中的计算属性名必须直接引用内置符号。
1171错误A comma expression is not allowed in a computed property name.计算属性名中不允许逗号表达式。
1172错误‘extends’ clause already seen.已看到 “extends” 子句。
1173错误‘extends’ clause must precede ‘implements’ clause.“extends” 子句必须位于 “implements” 子句之前。
1174错误Classes can only extend a single class.类只能扩展一个类。
1175错误‘implements’ clause already seen.已看到 “implements” 子句。
1176错误Interface declaration cannot have ‘implements’ clause.接口声明不能有 “implements” 子句。
1177错误Binary digit expected.需要二进制数字。
1178错误Octal digit expected.需要八进制数字。
1179错误Unexpected token. ‘{‘ expected.意外标记。应为 “{“。
1180错误Property destructuring pattern expected.应为属性析构模式。
1181错误Array element destructuring pattern expected.应为数组元素析构模式。
1182错误A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.析构声明必须具有初始化表达式。
1183错误An implementation cannot be declared in ambient contexts.不能在环境上下文中声明实现。
1184错误Modifiers cannot appear here.修饰符不能出现在此处。
1185错误Merge conflict marker encountered.遇到合并冲突标记。
1186错误A rest element cannot have an initializer.rest 元素不能具有初始化表达式。
1187错误A parameter property may not be declared using a binding pattern.参数属性不能为绑定模式。
1188错误Only a single variable declaration is allowed in a ‘for…of’ statement.“for…of” 语句中只允许单个变量声明。
1189错误The variable declaration of a ‘for…in’ statement cannot have an initializer.“for…in” 语句的变量声明不能有初始化表达式。
1190错误The variable declaration of a ‘for…of’ statement cannot have an initializer.“for…of” 语句的变量声明不能有初始化表达式。
1191错误An import declaration cannot have modifiers.导入声明不能有修饰符。
1192错误Module ‘{0}’ has no default export.模块“{0}”没有默认导出。
1193错误An export declaration cannot have modifiers.导出声明不能有修饰符。
1194错误Export declarations are not permitted in a namespace.命名空间中不允许有导出声明。
1196错误Catch clause variable cannot have a type annotation.Catch 子句变量不能有类型批注。
1197错误Catch clause variable cannot have an initializer.Catch 子句变量不能有初始化表达式。
1198错误An extended Unicode escape value must be between 0x0 and 0x10FFFF inclusive.扩展的 Unicode 转义值必须介于(含) 0x0 和 0x10FFFF 之间。
1199错误Unterminated Unicode escape sequence.未终止的 Unicode 转义序列。
1200错误Line terminator not permitted before arrow.箭头前不允许有行终止符。
1202错误Import assignment cannot be used when targeting ECMAScript 2015 modules. Consider using ‘import * as ns from “mod”‘, ‘import {a} from “mod”‘, ‘import d from “mod”‘, or another module format instead.当面向 ECMAScript 6 模块时,不能使用导入分配。请考虑改用 “import * as ns from “mod”” 、”import {a} from “mod”” 或 “import d from “mod”” 或其他模块格式。
1203错误Export assignment cannot be used when targeting ECMAScript 2015 modules. Consider using ‘export default’ or another module format instead.当面向 ECMAScript 6 模块时,不能使用导出分配。请考虑改用“导出默认”或其他模块格式。
1206错误Decorators are not valid here.修饰器在此处无效。
1207错误Decorators cannot be applied to multiple get/set accessors of the same name.不能向多个同名的 get/set 访问器应用修饰器。
1208错误Cannot compile namespaces when the ‘–isolatedModules’ flag is provided.提供 “–isolatedModules” 标志时无法编译命名空间。
1209错误Ambient const enums are not allowed when the ‘–isolatedModules’ flag is provided.提供 “–isolatedModules” 标志的情况下不允许使用环境常数枚举。
1210错误Invalid use of ‘{0}’. Class definitions are automatically in strict mode.“{0}”的使用无效。类定义自动处于严格模式。
1211错误A class declaration without the ‘default’ modifier must have a name不带 “default” 修饰符的类声明必须具有名称
1212错误Identifier expected. ‘{0}’ is a reserved word in strict mode应为标识符。“{0}”在严格模式下是保留字
1213错误Identifier expected. ‘{0}’ is a reserved word in strict mode. Class definitions are automatically in strict mode.应为标识符。“{0}”在严格模式下是保留字。类定义自动处于严格模式。
1214错误Identifier expected. ‘{0}’ is a reserved word in strict mode. Modules are automatically in strict mode.应为标识符。“{0}”是严格模式下的保留字。模块自动处于严格模式。
1215错误Invalid use of ‘{0}’. Modules are automatically in strict mode.“{0}”的使用无效。模块自动处于严格模式。
1218错误Export assignment is not supported when ‘–module’ flag is ‘system’.当 “–module” 标志是 “system” 时不支持导出分配。
1219错误Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the ‘experimentalDecorators’ option to remove this warning.Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the ‘experimentalDecorators’ option to remove this warning.
1220错误Generators are only available when targeting ECMAScript 2015 or higher.仅当面向 ECMAScript 6 或更高版本时,生成器才可用。
1221错误Generators are not allowed in an ambient context.不允许在环境上下文中使用生成器。
1222错误An overload signature cannot be declared as a generator.重载签名无法声明为生成器。
1223错误‘{0}’ tag already specified.已指定“{0}”标记。
1224错误Signature ‘{0}’ must have a type predicate.签名“{0}”必须具有类型谓词。
1225错误Cannot find parameter ‘{0}’.找不到参数“{0}”。
1226错误Type predicate ‘{0}’ is not assignable to ‘{1}’.类型谓词“{0}”不可分配给“{1}”。
1227错误Parameter ‘{0}’ is not in the same position as parameter ‘{1}’.参数“{0}”和参数“{1}”的位置不一样。
1228错误A type predicate is only allowed in return type position for functions and methods.只允许在函数和方法的返回类型位置使用类型谓词。
1229错误A type predicate cannot reference a rest parameter.类型谓词无法引用 rest 参数。
1230错误A type predicate cannot reference element ‘{0}’ in a binding pattern.类型谓词无法在绑定模式中引用元素“{0}”。
1231错误An export assignment can only be used in a module.导出分配只能在模块中使用。
1232错误An import declaration can only be used in a namespace or module.导入声明只能在命名空间或模块中使用。
1233错误An export declaration can only be used in a module.导出声明只能在模块中使用。
1234错误An ambient module declaration is only allowed at the top level in a file.只允许在文件的顶层中使用环境模块声明。
1235错误A namespace declaration is only allowed in a namespace or module.只允许在命名空间或模块中使用命名空间声明。
1236错误The return type of a property decorator function must be either ‘void’ or ‘any’.属性修饰器函数的返回类型必须为 “void” 或 “any”。
1237错误The return type of a parameter decorator function must be either ‘void’ or ‘any’.参数修饰器函数的返回类型必须为 “void” 或 “any”。
1238错误Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression.作为表达式调用时,无法解析类修饰器的签名。
1239错误Unable to resolve signature of parameter decorator when called as an expression.作为表达式调用时,无法解析参数修饰器的签名。
1240错误Unable to resolve signature of property decorator when called as an expression.作为表达式调用时,无法解析属性修饰器的签名。
1241错误Unable to resolve signature of method decorator when called as an expression.作为表达式调用时,无法解析方法修饰器的签名。
1242错误‘abstract’ modifier can only appear on a class, method, or property declaration.“abstract” 修饰符只能出现在类声明或方法声明中。
1243错误‘{0}’ modifier cannot be used with ‘{1}’ modifier.“{0}”修饰符不能与“{1}”修饰符一起使用。
1244错误Abstract methods can only appear within an abstract class.抽象方法只能出现在抽象类中。
1245错误Method ‘{0}’ cannot have an implementation because it is marked abstract.方法“{0}”不能具有实现,因为它标记为抽象。
1246错误An interface property cannot have an initializer.接口函数不能具有初始化表达式。
1247错误A type literal property cannot have an initializer.类型文字数据不可具有初始化表达式。
1248错误A class member cannot have the ‘{0}’ keyword.A class member cannot have the ‘{0}’ keyword.
1249错误A decorator can only decorate a method implementation, not an overload.A decorator can only decorate a method implementation, not an overload.
1250错误Function declarations are not allowed inside blocks in strict mode when targeting ‘ES3’ or ‘ES5’.
1251错误Function declarations are not allowed inside blocks in strict mode when targeting ‘ES3’ or ‘ES5’. Class definitions are automatically in strict mode.
1252错误Function declarations are not allowed inside blocks in strict mode when targeting ‘ES3’ or ‘ES5’. Modules are automatically in strict mode.
1253错误‘{0}’ tag cannot be used independently as a top level JSDoc tag.
1254错误A ‘const’ initializer in an ambient context must be a string or numeric literal.
1300错误‘with’ statements are not allowed in an async function block.不允许在异步函数块中使用 “with” 语句。
1308错误‘await’ expression is only allowed within an async function.只允许在异步函数中使用 “await” 表达式。
1312错误‘=’ can only be used in an object literal property inside a destructuring assignment.“=” 只可在重构赋值内部的对象文字属性中使用。
1313错误The body of an ‘if’ statement cannot be the empty statement.“if” 语句的正文不能为空语句。
1314错误Global module exports may only appear in module files.
1315错误Global module exports may only appear in declaration files.
1316错误Global module exports may only appear at top level.
1317错误A parameter property cannot be declared using a rest parameter.
1318错误An abstract accessor cannot have an implementation.
1319错误A default export can only be used in an ECMAScript-style module.
2300错误Duplicate identifier ‘{0}’.标识符“{0}”重复。
2301错误Initializer of instance member variable ‘{0}’ cannot reference identifier ‘{1}’ declared in the constructor.实例成员变量“{0}”的初始化表达式不能引用构造函数中声明的标识符“{1}”。
2302错误Static members cannot reference class type parameters.静态成员不能引用类类型参数。
2303错误Circular definition of import alias ‘{0}’.导入别名“{0}”的循环定义。
2304错误Cannot find name ‘{0}’.找不到名称“{0}”。
2305错误Module ‘{0}’ has no exported member ‘{1}’.模块“{0}”没有导出的成员“{1}”。
2306错误File ‘{0}’ is not a module.文件“{0}”不是模块。
2307错误Cannot find module ‘{0}’.找不到模块“{0}”。
2308错误Module {0} has already exported a member named ‘{1}’. Consider explicitly re-exporting to resolve the ambiguity.模块 {0} 已导出一个名为“{1}”的成员。请考虑重新显式导出以解决歧义。
2309错误An export assignment cannot be used in a module with other exported elements.不能在具有其他导出元素的模块中使用导出分配。
2310错误Type ‘{0}’ recursively references itself as a base type.类型“{0}”以递归方式将自身引用为基类。
2311错误A class may only extend another class.类只能扩展其他类。
2312错误An interface may only extend a class or another interface.接口只能扩展类或其他接口。
2313错误Type parameter ‘{0}’ has a circular constraint.Type parameter ‘{0}’ has a circular constraint.
2314错误Generic type ‘{0}’ requires {1} type argument(s).泛型类型“{0}”需要 {1} 个类型参数。
2315错误Type ‘{0}’ is not generic.类型“{0}”不是泛型类型。
2316错误Global type ‘{0}’ must be a class or interface type.全局类型“{0}”必须为类或接口类型。
2317错误Global type ‘{0}’ must have {1} type parameter(s).全局类型“{0}”必须具有 {1} 个类型参数。
2318错误Cannot find global type ‘{0}’.找不到全局类型“{0}”。
2319错误Named property ‘{0}’ of types ‘{1}’ and ‘{2}’ are not identical.“{1}”和“{2}”类型的命名属性“{0}”不完全相同。
2320错误Interface ‘{0}’ cannot simultaneously extend types ‘{1}’ and ‘{2}’.接口“{0}”不能同时扩展类型“{1}”和“{2}”。
2321错误Excessive stack depth comparing types ‘{0}’ and ‘{1}’.与类型“{0}”和“{1}”相比,堆栈深度过高。
2322错误Type ‘{0}’ is not assignable to type ‘{1}’.不能将类型“{0}”分配给类型“{1}”。
2323错误Cannot redeclare exported variable ‘{0}’.无法重新声明导出的变量“{0}”。
2324错误Property ‘{0}’ is missing in type ‘{1}’.类型“{1}”中缺少属性“{0}”。
2325错误Property ‘{0}’ is private in type ‘{1}’ but not in type ‘{2}’.属性“{0}”在类型“{1}”中是私有属性,但在类型“{2}”中不是。
2326错误Types of property ‘{0}’ are incompatible.属性“{0}”的类型不兼容。
2327错误Property ‘{0}’ is optional in type ‘{1}’ but required in type ‘{2}’.属性“{0}”在类型“{1}”中为可选,但在类型“{2}”中为必选。
2328错误Types of parameters ‘{0}’ and ‘{1}’ are incompatible.参数“{0}”和“{1}” 的类型不兼容。
2329错误Index signature is missing in type ‘{0}’.类型“{0}”中缺少索引签名。
2330错误Index signatures are incompatible.索引签名不兼容。
2331错误‘this’ cannot be referenced in a module or namespace body.不能在模块或命名空间体中引用 “this”。
2332错误‘this’ cannot be referenced in current location.不能在当前位置引用 “this”。
2333错误‘this’ cannot be referenced in constructor arguments.不能在构造函数参数中引用 “this”。
2334错误‘this’ cannot be referenced in a static property initializer.不能在静态属性初始化表达式中引用 “this”。
2335错误‘super’ can only be referenced in a derived class.只能在派生类中引用 “super”。
2336错误‘super’ cannot be referenced in constructor arguments.不能在构造函数参数中引用 “super”。
2337错误Super calls are not permitted outside constructors or in nested functions inside constructors.不允许在构造函数外部或在构造函数内的嵌套函数中进行 Super 调用。
2338错误‘super’ property access is permitted only in a constructor, member function, or member accessor of a derived class.只有构造函数、成员函数或派生类的成员访问器中才允许 “super” 属性访问。
2339错误Property ‘{0}’ does not exist on type ‘{1}’.类型“{1}”上不存在属性“{0}”。
2340错误Only public and protected methods of the base class are accessible via the ‘super’ keyword.通过 “super” 关键字只能访问基类的公共方法和受保护方法。
2341错误Property ‘{0}’ is private and only accessible within class ‘{1}’.属性“{0}”为私有属性,只能在类“{1}”中访问。
2342错误An index expression argument must be of type ‘string’, ‘number’, ‘symbol’, or ‘any’.索引表达式参数必须为 “string”、”number”、”symbol” 或 “any” 类型。
2343错误This syntax requires an imported helper named ‘{1}’, but module ‘{0}’ has no exported member ‘{1}’.
2344错误Type ‘{0}’ does not satisfy the constraint ‘{1}’.类型“{0}”不满足约束“{1}”。
2345错误Argument of type ‘{0}’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘{1}’.类型“{0}”的参数不能赋给类型“{1}”的参数。
2346错误Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target.提供的参数与调用目标的任何签名都不匹配。
2347错误Untyped function calls may not accept type arguments.非类型化函数调用不能接受类型参数。
2348错误Value of type ‘{0}’ is not callable. Did you mean to include ‘new’?类型“{0}”的值不可调用。是否希望包括 “new”?
2349错误Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature. Type ‘{0}’ has no compatible call signatures.无法调用其类型缺少调用签名的表达式。
2350错误Only a void function can be called with the ‘new’ keyword.使用 “new” 关键字只能调用 void 函数。
2351错误Cannot use ‘new’ with an expression whose type lacks a call or construct signature.其类型缺少调用或构造签名的表达式无法使用 “new”。
2352错误Type ‘{0}’ cannot be converted to type ‘{1}’.类型“{0}”和类型“{1}”均不能赋给对方。
2353错误Object literal may only specify known properties, and ‘{0}’ does not exist in type ‘{1}’.对象文字可以只指定已知属性,并且“{0}”不在类型“{1}”中。
2354错误This syntax requires an imported helper but module ‘{0}’ cannot be found.返回表达式中不存在最佳通用类型。
2355错误A function whose declared type is neither ‘void’ nor ‘any’ must return a value.其声明类型不为 “void” 或 “any” 的函数必须返回值。
2356错误An arithmetic operand must be of type ‘any’, ‘number’ or an enum type.算术操作数必须为类型 “any”、”number” 或枚举类型。
2357错误The operand of an increment or decrement operator must be a variable or a property access.增量或减量运算符的操作数必须为变量、属性或索引器。
2358错误The left-hand side of an ‘instanceof’ expression must be of type ‘any’, an object type or a type parameter.“instanceof” 表达式左侧必须是 “any” 类型、对象类型或类型参数。
2359错误The right-hand side of an ‘instanceof’ expression must be of type ‘any’ or of a type assignable to the ‘Function’ interface type.“instanceof” 表达式的右侧必须属于类型 “any”,或属于可分配给 “Function” 接口类型的类型。
2360错误The left-hand side of an ‘in’ expression must be of type ‘any’, ‘string’, ‘number’, or ‘symbol’.“in” 表达式左侧的类型必须为 “any”、”string”、”number” 或 “symbol”。
2361错误The right-hand side of an ‘in’ expression must be of type ‘any’, an object type or a type parameter“in” 表达式的右侧必须是 “any” 类型、对象类型或类型参数
2362错误The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type ‘any’, ‘number’ or an enum type.算术运算左侧必须是 “any”、”number” 或枚举类型。
2363错误The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type ‘any’, ‘number’ or an enum type.算术运算右侧必须是 “any”、”number” 或枚举类型。
2364错误The left-hand side of an assignment expression must be a variable or a property access.赋值表达式左侧无效。
2365错误Operator ‘{0}’ cannot be applied to types ‘{1}’ and ‘{2}’.运算符“{0}”不能应用于类型“{1}”和“{2}”。
2366错误Function lacks ending return statement and return type does not include ‘undefined’.
2368错误Type parameter name cannot be ‘{0}’类型参数名称不能为“{0}”
2369错误A parameter property is only allowed in a constructor implementation.只允许在构造函数实现中使用参数属性。
2370错误A rest parameter must be of an array type.rest 参数必须是数组类型。
2371错误A parameter initializer is only allowed in a function or constructor implementation.只允许在函数或构造函数实现中使用参数初始化表达式。
2372错误Parameter ‘{0}’ cannot be referenced in its initializer.参数“{0}”的初始化表达式中不能引用该参数自身。
2373错误Initializer of parameter ‘{0}’ cannot reference identifier ‘{1}’ declared after it.参数“{0}”的初始化表达式不能引用在它之后声明的标识符“{1}”。
2374错误Duplicate string index signature.字符串索引签名重复。
2375错误Duplicate number index signature.数字索引签名重复。
2376错误A ‘super’ call must be the first statement in the constructor when a class contains initialized properties or has parameter properties.当类包含初始化的属性或参数属性时,”super” 调用必须是构造函数中的第一个语句。
2377错误Constructors for derived classes must contain a ‘super’ call.派生类的构造函数必须包含 “super” 调用。
2378错误A ‘get’ accessor must return a value.“get” 访问器必须返回值。
2379错误Getter and setter accessors do not agree in visibility.Getter 和 setter 访问器在可见性上不一致。
2380错误‘get’ and ‘set’ accessor must have the same type.“get” 和 “set” 访问器必须属于同一类型。
2381错误A signature with an implementation cannot use a string literal type.具有实现的签名不能使用字符串文本类型。
2382错误Specialized overload signature is not assignable to any non-specialized signature.指定的重载签名不可分配给任何非专用化签名。
2383错误Overload signatures must all be exported or non-exported.重载签名必须全部导出或全部不导出。
2384错误Overload signatures must all be ambient or non-ambient.重载签名必须全部为环境签名或非环境签名。
2385错误Overload signatures must all be public, private or protected.重载签名必须全部是公共签名、私有签名或受保护签名。
2386错误Overload signatures must all be optional or required.重载签名必须全部为可选签名或必需签名。
2387错误Function overload must be static.函数重载必须为静态。
2388错误Function overload must not be static.函数重载不能为静态。
2389错误Function implementation name must be ‘{0}’.函数实现名称必须为“{0}”。
2390错误Constructor implementation is missing.缺少构造函数实现。
2391错误Function implementation is missing or not immediately following the declaration.函数实现缺失或未立即出现在声明之后。
2392错误Multiple constructor implementations are not allowed.不允许存在多个构造函数实现。
2393错误Duplicate function implementation.函数实现重复。
2394错误Overload signature is not compatible with function implementation.重载签名与函数实现不兼容。
2395错误Individual declarations in merged declaration ‘{0}’ must be all exported or all local.合并声明“{0}”中的单独声明必须全为导出或全为局部声明。
2396错误Duplicate identifier ‘arguments’. Compiler uses ‘arguments’ to initialize rest parameters.标识符 “arguments” 重复。编译器使用 “arguments” 初始化 rest 参数。
2397错误Declaration name conflicts with built-in global identifier ‘{0}’.Declaration name conflicts with built-in global identifier ‘{0}’.
2399错误Duplicate identifier ‘_this’. Compiler uses variable declaration ‘_this’ to capture ‘this’ reference.标识符 “_this” 重复。编译器使用变量声明 “_this” 来捕获 “this” 引用。
2400错误Expression resolves to variable declaration ‘_this’ that compiler uses to capture ‘this’ reference.表达式解析为编译器用于捕获 “this” 引用的变量声明 “_this”。
2401错误Duplicate identifier ‘_super’. Compiler uses ‘_super’ to capture base class reference.标识符 “_super” 重复。编译器使用 “_super” 获取基类引用。
2402错误Expression resolves to ‘_super’ that compiler uses to capture base class reference.表达式解析为 “_super”,编译器使用 “_super” 获取基类引用。
2403错误Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type. Variable ‘{0}’ must be of type ‘{1}’, but here has type ‘{2}’.后续变量声明必须属于同一类型。变量“{0}”必须属于类型“{1}”,但此处却为类型“{2}”。
2404错误The left-hand side of a ‘for…in’ statement cannot use a type annotation.“for…in” 语句的左侧不能使用类型批注。
2405错误The left-hand side of a ‘for…in’ statement must be of type ‘string’ or ‘any’.“for…in” 语句的左侧必须是 “string” 或 “any” 类型。
2406错误The left-hand side of a ‘for…in’ statement must be a variable or a property access.“for…in” 语句左侧无效。
2407错误The right-hand side of a ‘for…in’ statement must be of type ‘any’, an object type or a type parameter.“for…in” 语句右侧必须是 “any” 类型、对象类型或类型参数。
2408错误Setters cannot return a value.Setter 不能返回值。
2409错误Return type of constructor signature must be assignable to the instance type of the class构造函数签名的返回类型必须可赋给类的实例类型
2410错误The ‘with’ statement is not supported. All symbols in a ‘with’ block will have type ‘any’.“with” 块内的所有符号都将被解析为 “any”。
2411错误Property ‘{0}’ of type ‘{1}’ is not assignable to string index type ‘{2}’.类型“{1}”的属性“{0}”不能赋给字符串索引类型“{2}”。
2412错误Property ‘{0}’ of type ‘{1}’ is not assignable to numeric index type ‘{2}’.类型“{1}”的属性“{0}”不能赋给数值索引类型“{2}”。
2413错误Numeric index type ‘{0}’ is not assignable to string index type ‘{1}’.数字索引类型“{0}”不能赋给字符串索引类型“{1}”。
2414错误Class name cannot be ‘{0}’类名不能为“{0}”
2415错误Class ‘{0}’ incorrectly extends base class ‘{1}’.类“{0}”错误扩展基类“{1}”。
2417错误Class static side ‘{0}’ incorrectly extends base class static side ‘{1}’.类静态侧“{0}”错误扩展基类静态侧“{1}”。
2420错误Class ‘{0}’ incorrectly implements interface ‘{1}’.类“{0}”错误实现接口“{1}”。
2422错误A class may only implement another class or interface.类只能实现其他类或接口。
2423错误Class ‘{0}’ defines instance member function ‘{1}’, but extended class ‘{2}’ defines it as instance member accessor.类“{0}”将“{1}”定义为实例成员函数,但扩展类“{2}”将其定义为实例成员访问器。
2424错误Class ‘{0}’ defines instance member function ‘{1}’, but extended class ‘{2}’ defines it as instance member property.类“{0}”将“{1}”定义为实例成员函数,但扩展类“{2}”将其定义为实例成员属性。
2425错误Class ‘{0}’ defines instance member property ‘{1}’, but extended class ‘{2}’ defines it as instance member function.类“{0}”将“{1}”定义为实例成员属性,但扩展类“{2}”将其定义为实例成员函数。
2426错误Class ‘{0}’ defines instance member accessor ‘{1}’, but extended class ‘{2}’ defines it as instance member function.类“{0}”将“{1}”定义为实例成员访问器,但扩展类“{2}”将其定义为实例成员函数。
2427错误Interface name cannot be ‘{0}’接口名不能为“{0}”
2428错误All declarations of ‘{0}’ must have identical type parameters.接口的所有声明必须具有相同的类型参数。
2430错误Interface ‘{0}’ incorrectly extends interface ‘{1}’.接口“{0}”错误扩展接口“{1}”。
2431错误Enum name cannot be ‘{0}’枚举名不能为“{0}”
2432错误In an enum with multiple declarations, only one declaration can omit an initializer for its first enum element.在包含多个声明的枚举中,只有一个声明可以省略其第一个枚举元素的初始化表达式。
2433错误A namespace declaration cannot be in a different file from a class or function with which it is merged命名空间声明不能位于与之合并的类或函数中的其他文件内
2434错误A namespace declaration cannot be located prior to a class or function with which it is merged命名空间声明不能位于与之合并的类或函数前
2435错误Ambient modules cannot be nested in other modules or namespaces.环境模块不能嵌套在其他模块或命名空间中。
2436错误Ambient module declaration cannot specify relative module name.环境模块声明无法指定相对模块名。
2437错误Module ‘{0}’ is hidden by a local declaration with the same name模块“{0}”被具有相同名称的局部声明隐藏
2438错误Import name cannot be ‘{0}’导入名称不能为“{0}”
2439错误Import or export declaration in an ambient module declaration cannot reference module through relative module name.环境模块声明中的导入或导出声明不能通过相对模块名引用模块。
2440错误Import declaration conflicts with local declaration of ‘{0}’导入声明与“{0}”的局部声明冲突
2441错误Duplicate identifier ‘{0}’. Compiler reserves name ‘{1}’ in top level scope of a module.标识符“{0}”重复。编译器在模块的顶层范围中保留名称“{1}”。
2442错误Types have separate declarations of a private property ‘{0}’.类型具有私有属性“{0}”的单独声明。
2443错误Property ‘{0}’ is protected but type ‘{1}’ is not a class derived from ‘{2}’.属性“{0}”受保护,但类型“{1}”并不是从“{2}”派生的类。
2444错误Property ‘{0}’ is protected in type ‘{1}’ but public in type ‘{2}’.属性“{0}”在类型“{1}”中受保护,但在类型“{2}”中为公共属性。
2445错误Property ‘{0}’ is protected and only accessible within class ‘{1}’ and its subclasses.属性“{0}”受保护,只能在类“{1}”及其子类中访问。
2446错误Property ‘{0}’ is protected and only accessible through an instance of class ‘{1}’.属性“{0}”受保护,只能通过类“{1}”的实例访问。
2447错误The ‘{0}’ operator is not allowed for boolean types. Consider using ‘{1}’ instead.“{0}”运算符不允许用于布尔类型。请考虑改用“{1}”。
2448错误Block-scoped variable ‘{0}’ used before its declaration.声明之前已使用的块范围变量“{0}”。
2451错误Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable ‘{0}’.无法重新声明块范围变量“{0}”。
2452错误An enum member cannot have a numeric name.枚举成员不能具有数值名。
2453错误The type argument for type parameter ‘{0}’ cannot be inferred from the usage. Consider specifying the type arguments explicitly.无法从用法推断类型形参“{0}”的类型实参。可以考虑显式指定类型实参。
2454错误Variable ‘{0}’ is used before being assigned.
2455错误Type argument candidate ‘{1}’ is not a valid type argument because it is not a supertype of candidate ‘{0}’.候选类型参数“{1}”不是有效的类型参数,因为它不是候选“{0}”的超类型。
2456错误Type alias ‘{0}’ circularly references itself.类型别名“{0}”循环引用自身。
2457错误Type alias name cannot be ‘{0}’类型别名不能为“{0}”
2458错误An AMD module cannot have multiple name assignments.AMD 模块无法拥有多个名称分配。
2459错误Type ‘{0}’ has no property ‘{1}’ and no string index signature.类型“{0}”不具有属性“{1}”和字符串索引签名。
2460错误Type ‘{0}’ has no property ‘{1}’.类型“{0}”不具有属性“{1}”。
2461错误Type ‘{0}’ is not an array type.类型“{0}”不是数组类型。
2462错误A rest element must be last in a destructuring patternrest 元素必须在数组析构模式中位于最末
2463错误A binding pattern parameter cannot be optional in an implementation signature.绑定模式参数在实现签名中不能为可选参数。
2464错误A computed property name must be of type ‘string’, ‘number’, ‘symbol’, or ‘any’.计算属性名的类型必须为 “string”、”number”、”symbol” 或 “any”。
2465错误‘this’ cannot be referenced in a computed property name.不能在计算属性名中引用 “this”。
2466错误‘super’ cannot be referenced in a computed property name.不能在计算属性名中引用 “super”。
2467错误A computed property name cannot reference a type parameter from its containing type.计算属性名无法从其包含的类型引用类型参数。
2468错误Cannot find global value ‘{0}’.找不到全局值“{0}”。
2469错误The ‘{0}’ operator cannot be applied to type ‘symbol’.“{0}”运算符不能应用于类型 “symbol”。
2470错误‘Symbol’ reference does not refer to the global Symbol constructor object.“Symbol” 引用不是指全局符号构造函数对象。
2471错误A computed property name of the form ‘{0}’ must be of type ‘symbol’.窗体“{0}”的计算属性名必须是 “symbol” 类型。
2472错误Spread operator in ‘new’ expressions is only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher.仅当面向 ECMAScript 5 和更高版本时,”new” 表达式中的展开运算符才可用。
2473错误Enum declarations must all be const or non-const.枚举声明必须全为常数或非常数。
2474错误In ‘const’ enum declarations member initializer must be constant expression.在 “const” 枚举声明中,成员初始化表达式必须是常数表达式。
2475错误‘const’ enums can only be used in property or index access expressions or the right hand side of an import declaration or export assignment.“const” 枚举仅可在属性、索引访问表达式、导入声明的右侧或导出分配中使用。
2476错误A const enum member can only be accessed using a string literal.只有使用字符串文本才能访问常数枚举成员。
2477错误‘const’ enum member initializer was evaluated to a non-finite value.“const” 枚举成员初始化表达式的求值结果为非有限值。
2478错误‘const’ enum member initializer was evaluated to disallowed value ‘NaN’.“const” 枚举成员初始化表达式的求值结果为不允许使用的值 “NaN”。
2479错误Property ‘{0}’ does not exist on ‘const’ enum ‘{1}’.“const” 枚举“{1}”上不存在属性“{0}”。
2480错误‘let’ is not allowed to be used as a name in ‘let’ or ‘const’ declarations.“let” 不能用作 “let” 或 “const” 声明中的名称。
2481错误Cannot initialize outer scoped variable ‘{0}’ in the same scope as block scoped declaration ‘{1}’.无法在块范围声明“{1}”所在的范围内初始化外部范围变量“{0}”。
2483错误The left-hand side of a ‘for…of’ statement cannot use a type annotation.“for…of” 语句的左侧不能使用类型批注。
2484错误Export declaration conflicts with exported declaration of ‘{0}’导出声明与“{0}”的导出声明冲突
2487错误The left-hand side of a ‘for…of’ statement must be a variable or a property access.“for…of” 语句左侧无效。
2488错误Type must have a ‘Symbol.iterator‘ method that returns an iterator.类型必须具有返回迭代器的 “Symbol.iterator” 方法。
2489错误An iterator must have a ‘next()’ method.迭代器必须具有 “next()” 方法。
2490错误The type returned by the ‘next()’ method of an iterator must have a ‘value’ property.迭代器的 “next()” 方法返回的类型必须具有 “value” 属性。
2491错误The left-hand side of a ‘for…in’ statement cannot be a destructuring pattern.“for…in” 语句的左侧不能为析构模式。
2492错误Cannot redeclare identifier ‘{0}’ in catch clause无法在 catch 子句中重新声明标识符“{0}”
2493错误Tuple type ‘{0}’ with length ‘{1}’ cannot be assigned to tuple with length ‘{2}’.不能将长度为“{1}”的元组类型“{0}”分配给长度为“{2}”的元组。
2494错误Using a string in a ‘for…of’ statement is only supported in ECMAScript 5 and higher.仅 ECMAScript 5 和更高版本支持在 “for…of” 语句中使用字符串。
2495错误Type ‘{0}’ is not an array type or a string type.类型“{0}”不是数组类型或字符串类型。
2496错误The ‘arguments’ object cannot be referenced in an arrow function in ES3 and ES5. Consider using a standard function expression.ES3 和 ES5 中的箭头函数不能引用 “arguments” 对象。请考虑使用标准函数表达式。
2497错误Module ‘{0}’ resolves to a non-module entity and cannot be imported using this construct.模块“{0}”解析为非模块实体,且不能使用此构造导入。
2498错误Module ‘{0}’ uses ‘export =’ and cannot be used with ‘export *’.模块“{0}”使用 “export =” 且无法与 “export *” 一起使用。
2499错误An interface can only extend an identifier/qualified-name with optional type arguments.接口只能扩展具有可选类型参数的标识符/限定名称。
2500错误A class can only implement an identifier/qualified-name with optional type arguments.类只能实现具有可选类型参数的标识符/限定名称。
2501错误A rest element cannot contain a binding pattern.rest 元素不能包含绑定模式。
2502错误‘{0}’ is referenced directly or indirectly in its own type annotation.“{0}”在其自身的类型批注中得到直接或间接引用。
2503错误Cannot find namespace ‘{0}’.找不到命名空间“{0}”。
2505错误A generator cannot have a ‘void’ type annotation.生成器不能具有 “void” 类型批注。
2506错误‘{0}’ is referenced directly or indirectly in its own base expression.“{0}”在其自身的基表达式中得到直接或间接引用。
2507错误Type ‘{0}’ is not a constructor function type.类型“{0}”不是构造函数类型。
2508错误No base constructor has the specified number of type arguments.没有任何基构造函数具有指定数量的类型参数。
2509错误Base constructor return type ‘{0}’ is not a class or interface type.基构造函数返回类型“{0}”不是类或接口类型。
2510错误Base constructors must all have the same return type.所有的基构造函数必须具有相同的返回类型。
2511错误Cannot create an instance of the abstract class ‘{0}’.无法创建抽象类“{0}”的实例。
2512错误Overload signatures must all be abstract or non-abstract.重载签名必须全部为抽象签名或非抽象签名。
2513错误Abstract method ‘{0}’ in class ‘{1}’ cannot be accessed via super expression.无法通过 super 表达式访问“{1}”类中的“{0}”抽象方法。
2514错误Classes containing abstract methods must be marked abstract.包含抽象方法的类必须标记为抽象。
2515错误Non-abstract class ‘{0}’ does not implement inherited abstract member ‘{1}’ from class ‘{2}’.非抽象类“{0}”不会实现继承自“{2}”类的抽象成员“{1}”。
2516错误All declarations of an abstract method must be consecutive.抽象方法的所有声明必须是连续的。
2517错误Cannot assign an abstract constructor type to a non-abstract constructor type.无法将抽象构造函数类型分配给非抽象构造函数类型。
2518错误A ‘this’-based type guard is not compatible with a parameter-based type guard.A ‘this’-based type guard is not compatible with a parameter-based type guard.
2520错误Duplicate identifier ‘{0}’. Compiler uses declaration ‘{1}’ to support async functions.标识符“{0}”重复。编译器使用“{1}”声明来支持异步函数。
2521错误Expression resolves to variable declaration ‘{0}’ that compiler uses to support async functions.表达式解析为编译器用于支持异步函数的变量声明“{0}”。
2522错误The ‘arguments’ object cannot be referenced in an async function or method in ES3 and ES5. Consider using a standard function or method.无法在异步箭头函数中引用 “arguments” 对象。请考虑使用标准的异步函数表达式。
2523错误‘yield’ expressions cannot be used in a parameter initializer.不能在参数初始化表达式中使用 “yield” 表达式。
2524错误‘await’ expressions cannot be used in a parameter initializer.不能在参数初始化表达式中使用 “await” 表达式。
2525错误Initializer provides no value for this binding element and the binding element has no default value.初始化表达式没有为此绑定元素提供此任何值,且该绑定元素没有默认值。
2526错误A ‘this’ type is available only in a non-static member of a class or interface.“this” 类型仅在类或接口的非静态成员中可用。
2527错误The inferred type of ‘{0}’ references an inaccessible ‘this’ type. A type annotation is necessary.“{0}”的推断类型引用不可访问的 “this” 类型。需要类型批注。
2528错误A module cannot have multiple default exports.一个模块不能具有多个默认导出。
2529错误Duplicate identifier ‘{0}’. Compiler reserves name ‘{1}’ in top level scope of a module containing async functions.Duplicate identifier ‘{0}’. Compiler reserves name ‘{1}’ in top level scope of a module containing async functions.
2530错误Property ‘{0}’ is incompatible with index signature.
2531错误Object is possibly ‘null’.
2532错误Object is possibly ‘undefined’.
2533错误Object is possibly ‘null’ or ‘undefined’.
2534错误A function returning ‘never’ cannot have a reachable end point.
2535错误Enum type ‘{0}’ has members with initializers that are not literals.
2536错误Type ‘{0}’ cannot be used to index type ‘{1}’.
2537错误Type ‘{0}’ has no matching index signature for type ‘{1}’.
2538错误Type ‘{0}’ cannot be used as an index type.
2539错误Cannot assign to ‘{0}’ because it is not a variable.
2540错误Cannot assign to ‘{0}’ because it is a constant or a read-only property.
2541错误The target of an assignment must be a variable or a property access.
2542错误Index signature in type ‘{0}’ only permits reading.
2543错误Duplicate identifier ‘_newTarget’. Compiler uses variable declaration ‘_newTarget’ to capture ‘new.target’ meta-property reference.
2544错误Expression resolves to variable declaration ‘_newTarget’ that compiler uses to capture ‘new.target’ meta-property reference.
2600错误JSX element attributes type ‘{0}’ may not be a union type.JSX element attributes type ‘{0}’ may not be a union type.
2601错误The return type of a JSX element constructor must return an object type.JSX 元素构造函数的返回类型必须返回对象类型。
2602错误JSX element implicitly has type ‘any’ because the global type ‘JSX.Element’ does not exist.JSX 元素隐式具有类型 “any”,因为不存在全局类型 “JSX.Element”。
2603错误Property ‘{0}’ in type ‘{1}’ is not assignable to type ‘{2}’类型“{1}”中的属性“{0}”不可分配给类型“{2}”
2604错误JSX element type ‘{0}’ does not have any construct or call signatures.JSX 元素类型“{0}”不具有任何构造签名或调用签名。
2605错误JSX element type ‘{0}’ is not a constructor function for JSX elements.JSX 元素类型“{0}”不是 JSX 元素的构造函数。
2606错误Property ‘{0}’ of JSX spread attribute is not assignable to target property.JSX 展开特性的“{0}”属性不能分配给目标属性。
2607错误JSX element class does not support attributes because it does not have a ‘{0}’ propertyJSX 元素类不支持特性,因为它不具有“{0}”属性
2608错误The global type ‘JSX.{0}’ may not have more than one property全局类型“JSX.{0}”不可以具有多个属性
2609错误JSX spread child must be an array type.
2650错误Cannot emit namespaced JSX elements in React无法发出 React 中带命名空间的 JSX 元素
2651错误A member initializer in a enum declaration cannot reference members declared after it, including members defined in other enums.枚举声明中的成员初始化表达式不能引用在其后声明的成员(包括在其他枚举中定义的成员)。
2652错误Merged declaration ‘{0}’ cannot include a default export declaration. Consider adding a separate ‘export default {0}’ declaration instead.合并声明“{0}”不能包含默认导出声明。请考虑改为添加一个独立的“导出默认 {0}”声明。
2653错误Non-abstract class expression does not implement inherited abstract member ‘{0}’ from class ‘{1}’.非抽象类表达式不会实现继承自“{1}”类的抽象成员“{0}”。
2654错误Exported external package typings file cannot contain tripleslash references. Please contact the package author to update the package definition.导出的外部包键入文件不能包含三斜线引用。请与包作者联系或更新包定义。
2656错误Exported external package typings file ‘{0}’ is not a module. Please contact the package author to update the package definition.导出的外部包键入文件“{0}”不是一个模块。请与包作者联系或更新包定义。
2657错误JSX expressions must have one parent elementJSX 表达式必须具有一个父元素
2658错误Type ‘{0}’ provides no match for the signature ‘{1}’类型“{0}”提供程序与签名“{1}”不匹配
2659错误‘super’ is only allowed in members of object literal expressions when option ‘target’ is ‘ES2015’ or higher.‘super’ is only allowed in members of object literal expressions when option ‘target’ is ‘ES2015’ or higher.
2660错误‘super’ can only be referenced in members of derived classes or object literal expressions.‘super’ can only be referenced in members of derived classes or object literal expressions.
2661错误Cannot export ‘{0}’. Only local declarations can be exported from a module.Cannot re-export name that is not defined in the module.
2662错误Cannot find name ‘{0}’. Did you mean the static member ‘{1}.{0}’?Cannot find name ‘{0}’. Did you mean the static member ‘{1}.{0}’?
2663错误Cannot find name ‘{0}’. Did you mean the instance member ‘this.{0}’?Cannot find name ‘{0}’. Did you mean the instance member ‘this.{0}’?
2664错误Invalid module name in augmentation, module ‘{0}’ cannot be found.Invalid module name in augmentation, module ‘{0}’ cannot be found.
2665错误Invalid module name in augmentation. Module ‘{0}’ resolves to an untyped module at ‘{1}’, which cannot be augmented.Module augmentation cannot introduce new names in the top level scope.
2666错误Exports and export assignments are not permitted in module augmentations.Exports and export assignments are not permitted in module augmentations.
2667错误Imports are not permitted in module augmentations. Consider moving them to the enclosing external module.Imports are not permitted in module augmentations. Consider moving them to the enclosing external module.
2668错误‘export’ modifier cannot be applied to ambient modules and module augmentations since they are always visible.‘export’ modifier cannot be applied to ambient modules and module augmentations since they are always visible.
2669错误Augmentations for the global scope can only be directly nested in external modules or ambient module declarations.Augmentations for the global scope can only be directly nested in external modules or ambient module declarations.
2670错误Augmentations for the global scope should have ‘declare’ modifier unless they appear in already ambient context.Augmentations for the global scope should have ‘declare’ modifier unless they appear in already ambient context.
2671错误Cannot augment module ‘{0}’ because it resolves to a non-module entity.Cannot augment module ‘{0}’ because it resolves to a non-module entity.
2672错误Cannot assign a ‘{0}’ constructor type to a ‘{1}’ constructor type.
2673错误Constructor of class ‘{0}’ is private and only accessible within the class declaration.
2674错误Constructor of class ‘{0}’ is protected and only accessible within the class declaration.
2675错误Cannot extend a class ‘{0}’. Class constructor is marked as private.
2676错误Accessors must both be abstract or non-abstract.
2677错误A type predicate’s type must be assignable to its parameter’s type.
2678错误Type ‘{0}’ is not comparable to type ‘{1}’.
2679错误A function that is called with the ‘new’ keyword cannot have a ‘this’ type that is ‘void’.
2680错误A ‘this’ parameter must be the first parameter.
2681错误A constructor cannot have a ‘this’ parameter.
2682错误‘get’ and ‘set’ accessor must have the same ‘this’ type.
2683错误‘this’ implicitly has type ‘any’ because it does not have a type annotation.
2684错误The ‘this’ context of type ‘{0}’ is not assignable to method’s ‘this’ of type ‘{1}’.
2685错误The ‘this’ types of each signature are incompatible.
2686错误‘{0}’ refers to a UMD global, but the current file is a module. Consider adding an import instead.
2687错误All declarations of ‘{0}’ must have identical modifiers.
2688错误Cannot find type definition file for ‘{0}’.
2689错误Cannot extend an interface ‘{0}’. Did you mean ‘implements’?
2690错误A class must be declared after its base class.
2691错误An import path cannot end with a ‘{0}’ extension. Consider importing ‘{1}’ instead.
2692错误‘{0}’ is a primitive, but ‘{1}’ is a wrapper object. Prefer using ‘{0}’ when possible.
2693错误‘{0}’ only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.
2694错误Namespace ‘{0}’ has no exported member ‘{1}’.
2695错误Left side of comma operator is unused and has no side effects.
2696错误The ‘Object’ type is assignable to very few other types. Did you mean to use the ‘any’ type instead?
2697错误An async function or method must return a ‘Promise’. Make sure you have a declaration for ‘Promise’ or include ‘ES2015’ in your --lib option.
2698错误Spread types may only be created from object types.
2700错误Rest types may only be created from object types.
2701错误The target of an object rest assignment must be a variable or a property access.
2702错误‘{0}’ only refers to a type, but is being used as a namespace here.
2703错误The operand of a delete operator must be a property reference
2704错误The operand of a delete operator cannot be a read-only property
4000错误Import declaration ‘{0}’ is using private name ‘{1}’.导入声明“{0}”使用的是专用名称“{1}”。
4002错误Type parameter ‘{0}’ of exported class has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出类的类型参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4004错误Type parameter ‘{0}’ of exported interface has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出接口的类型参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4006错误Type parameter ‘{0}’ of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出接口中的构造函数签名的类型参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4008错误Type parameter ‘{0}’ of call signature from exported interface has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出接口中的调用签名的类型参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4010错误Type parameter ‘{0}’ of public static method from exported class has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出类中的公共静态方法的类型参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4012错误Type parameter ‘{0}’ of public method from exported class has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出类中的公共方法的类型参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4014错误Type parameter ‘{0}’ of method from exported interface has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出接口中的方法的类型参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4016错误Type parameter ‘{0}’ of exported function has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出函数的类型参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4019错误Implements clause of exported class ‘{0}’ has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出的类“{0}”的 Implements 子句具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4020错误Extends clause of exported class ‘{0}’ has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出的类“{0}”的 extends 子句具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4022错误Extends clause of exported interface ‘{0}’ has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出接口“{0}”的 extends 子句具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4023错误Exported variable ‘{0}’ has or is using name ‘{1}’ from external module {2} but cannot be named.导出的变量“{0}”具有或正在使用外部模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”,但不能为其命名。
4024错误Exported variable ‘{0}’ has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出的变量“{0}”具有或正在使用私有模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4025错误Exported variable ‘{0}’ has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出的变量“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4026错误Public static property ‘{0}’ of exported class has or is using name ‘{1}’ from external module {2} but cannot be named.导出类的公共静态属性“{0}”具有或正在使用外部模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”,但不能为其命名。
4027错误Public static property ‘{0}’ of exported class has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出类的公共静态属性“{0}”具有或正在使用外部模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4028错误Public static property ‘{0}’ of exported class has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出类的公共静态属性“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4029错误Public property ‘{0}’ of exported class has or is using name ‘{1}’ from external module {2} but cannot be named.导出类的公共属性“{0}”具有或正在使用外部模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”,但不能为其命名。
4030错误Public property ‘{0}’ of exported class has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出类的公共属性“{0}”具有或正在使用私有模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4031错误Public property ‘{0}’ of exported class has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出类的公共属性“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4032错误Property ‘{0}’ of exported interface has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出接口的属性“{0}”具有或正在使用私有模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4033错误Property ‘{0}’ of exported interface has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出接口的属性“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4034错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of public static property setter from exported class has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出类中的公共静态属性 setter 的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用私有模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4035错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of public static property setter from exported class has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出类中的公共静态属性 setter 的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4036错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of public property setter from exported class has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出类中的公共属性 setter 的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用私有模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4037错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of public property setter from exported class has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出类中的公共属性 setter 的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4038错误Return type of public static property getter from exported class has or is using name ‘{0}’ from external module {1} but cannot be named.导出类中的公共静态属性 getter 的返回类型具有或正在使用外部模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”,但不能为其命名。
4039错误Return type of public static property getter from exported class has or is using name ‘{0}’ from private module ‘{1}’.导出类中的公共静态属性 getter 的返回类型具有或正在使用私有模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”。
4040错误Return type of public static property getter from exported class has or is using private name ‘{0}’.导出类中的公共静态属性 getter 的返回类型具有或正在使用专用名称“{0}”。
4041错误Return type of public property getter from exported class has or is using name ‘{0}’ from external module {1} but cannot be named.导出类中的公共属性 getter 的返回类型具有或正在使用外部模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”,但不能为其命名。
4042错误Return type of public property getter from exported class has or is using name ‘{0}’ from private module ‘{1}’.导出类中的公共属性 getter 的返回类型具有或正在使用私有模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”。
4043错误Return type of public property getter from exported class has or is using private name ‘{0}’.导出类中的公共属性 getter 的返回类型具有或正在使用专用名称“{0}”。
4044错误Return type of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using name ‘{0}’ from private module ‘{1}’.导出接口中的构造函数签名的返回类型具有或正在使用私有模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”。
4045错误Return type of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using private name ‘{0}’.导出接口中的构造函数签名的返回类型具有或正在使用专用名称“{0}”。
4046错误Return type of call signature from exported interface has or is using name ‘{0}’ from private module ‘{1}’.导出接口中的调用签名的返回类型具有或正在使用私有模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”。
4047错误Return type of call signature from exported interface has or is using private name ‘{0}’.导出接口中的调用签名的返回类型具有或正在使用专用名称“{0}”。
4048错误Return type of index signature from exported interface has or is using name ‘{0}’ from private module ‘{1}’.导出接口中的索引签名的返回类型具有或正在使用私有模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”。
4049错误Return type of index signature from exported interface has or is using private name ‘{0}’.导出接口中的索引签名的返回类型具有或正在使用专用名称“{0}”。
4050错误Return type of public static method from exported class has or is using name ‘{0}’ from external module {1} but cannot be named.导出类中的公共静态方法的返回类型具有或正在使用外部模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”,但不能为其命名。
4051错误Return type of public static method from exported class has or is using name ‘{0}’ from private module ‘{1}’.导出类中的公共静态方法的返回类型具有或正在使用私有模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”。
4052错误Return type of public static method from exported class has or is using private name ‘{0}’.导出类中的公共静态方法的返回类型具有或正在使用专用名称“{0}”。
4053错误Return type of public method from exported class has or is using name ‘{0}’ from external module {1} but cannot be named.导出类中的公共方法的返回类型具有或正在使用外部模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”,但不能为其命名。
4054错误Return type of public method from exported class has or is using name ‘{0}’ from private module ‘{1}’.导出类中的公共方法的返回类型具有或正在使用私有模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”。
4055错误Return type of public method from exported class has or is using private name ‘{0}’.导出类中的公共方法的返回类型具有或正在使用专用名称“{0}”。
4056错误Return type of method from exported interface has or is using name ‘{0}’ from private module ‘{1}’.导出接口中的方法的返回类型具有或正在使用私有模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”。
4057错误Return type of method from exported interface has or is using private name ‘{0}’.导出接口中的方法的返回类型具有或正在使用专用名称“{0}”。
4058错误Return type of exported function has or is using name ‘{0}’ from external module {1} but cannot be named.导出函数的返回类型具有或正在使用外部模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”,但不能为其命名。
4059错误Return type of exported function has or is using name ‘{0}’ from private module ‘{1}’.导出函数的返回类型具有或正在使用私有模块“{1}”中的名称“{0}”。
4060错误Return type of exported function has or is using private name ‘{0}’.导出函数的返回类型具有或正在使用专用名称“{0}”。
4061错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of constructor from exported class has or is using name ‘{1}’ from external module {2} but cannot be named.导出类中的构造函数的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用外部模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”,但不能为其命名。
4062错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of constructor from exported class has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出类中的构造函数的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用私有模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4063错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of constructor from exported class has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出类中的构造函数的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4064错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出接口中的构造函数签名的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用私有模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4065错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出接口中的构造函数签名的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4066错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of call signature from exported interface has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出接口中的调用签名的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用私有模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4067错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of call signature from exported interface has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出接口中的调用签名的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4068错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of public static method from exported class has or is using name ‘{1}’ from external module {2} but cannot be named.导出类中的公共静态方法的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用外部模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”,但不能为其命名。
4069错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of public static method from exported class has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出类中的公共静态方法的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用私有模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4070错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of public static method from exported class has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出类中的公共静态方法的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4071错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of public method from exported class has or is using name ‘{1}’ from external module {2} but cannot be named.导出类中的公共方法的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用外部模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”,但不能为其命名。
4072错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of public method from exported class has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出类中的公共方法的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用私有模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4073错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of public method from exported class has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出类中的公共方法的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4074错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of method from exported interface has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出接口中的方法的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用私有模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4075错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of method from exported interface has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出接口中的方法的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4076错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of exported function has or is using name ‘{1}’ from external module {2} but cannot be named.导出函数的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用外部模块 {2} 中的名称“{1}”,但不能为其命名。
4077错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of exported function has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.导出函数的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用私有模块“{2}”中的名称“{1}”。
4078错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of exported function has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出函数的参数“{0}”具有或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4081错误Exported type alias ‘{0}’ has or is using private name ‘{1}’.导出的类型别名“{0}”已经或正在使用专用名称“{1}”。
4082错误Default export of the module has or is using private name ‘{0}’.模块的默认导出具有或正在使用专用名称“{0}”。
4083错误Type parameter ‘{0}’ of exported type alias has or is using private name ‘{1}’.
4090信息Conflicting definitions for ‘{0}’ found at ‘{1}’ and ‘{2}’. Consider installing a specific version of this library to resolve the conflict.
4091错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of index signature from exported interface has or is using name ‘{1}’ from private module ‘{2}’.
4092错误Parameter ‘{0}’ of index signature from exported interface has or is using private name ‘{1}’.
5001错误The current host does not support the ‘{0}’ option.当前主机不支持“{0}”选项。
5009错误Cannot find the common subdirectory path for the input files.找不到输入文件的公共子目录路径。
5010错误File specification cannot end in a recursive directory wildcard (‘**’): ‘{0}’.
5011错误File specification cannot contain multiple recursive directory wildcards (‘**’): ‘{0}’.
5012错误Cannot read file ‘{0}’: {1}无法读取文件“{0}”: {1}
5013错误Unsupported file encoding.文件编码不受支持。
5014错误Failed to parse file ‘{0}’: {1}.未能分析文件“{0}”: {1}。
5023错误Unknown compiler option ‘{0}’.未知的编译器选项“{0}”。
5024错误Compiler option ‘{0}’ requires a value of type {1}.编译器选项“{0}”需要类型 {1} 的值。
5033错误Could not write file ‘{0}’: {1}无法写入文件“{0}”: {1}
5042错误Option ‘project’ cannot be mixed with source files on a command line.选项 “project” 在命令行上不能与源文件混合使用。
5047错误Option ‘isolatedModules’ can only be used when either option ‘–module’ is provided or option ‘target’ is ‘ES2015’ or higher.选项 “isolatedModules” 只可在提供了选项 “–module” 或者选项 “target” 是 “ES2015” 或更高版本时使用。
5051错误Option ‘{0} can only be used when either option ‘–inlineSourceMap’ or option ‘–sourceMap’ is provided.仅当提供了选项 “–inlineSources” 或选项 “–sourceMap” 时,才能使用选项 “inlineSources”。
5052错误Option ‘{0}’ cannot be specified without specifying option ‘{1}’.无法在不指定选项“{1}”的情况下指定选项“{0}”。
5053错误Option ‘{0}’ cannot be specified with option ‘{1}’.选项“{0}”不能与选项“{1}”同时指定。
5054错误A ‘tsconfig.json’ file is already defined at: ‘{0}’.已在“{0}”中定义了 “tsconfig.json” 文件。
5055错误Cannot write file ‘{0}’ because it would overwrite input file.无法写入文件“{0}”,因为它会覆盖输入文件。
5056错误Cannot write file ‘{0}’ because it would be overwritten by multiple input files.无法写入文件“{0}”,因为它会被多个输入文件覆盖。
5057错误Cannot find a tsconfig.json file at the specified directory: ‘{0}’无法在指定目录找到 tsconfig.json 文件:“{0}”
5058错误The specified path does not exist: ‘{0}’指定的路径不存在:“{0}”
5059错误Invalid value for ‘–reactNamespace’. ‘{0}’ is not a valid identifier.Invalide value for ‘–reactNamespace’. ‘{0}’ is not a valid identifier.
5060错误Option ‘paths’ cannot be used without specifying ‘–baseUrl’ option.
5061错误Pattern ‘{0}’ can have at most one ‘*’ character
5062错误Substitution ‘{0}’ in pattern ‘{1}’ in can have at most one ‘*’ character
5063错误Substitutions for pattern ‘{0}’ should be an array.
5064错误Substitution ‘{0}’ for pattern ‘{1}’ has incorrect type, expected ‘string’, got ‘{2}’.
5065错误File specification cannot contain a parent directory (‘..’) that appears after a recursive directory wildcard (‘**’): ‘{0}’.
5066错误Substitutions for pattern ‘{0}’ shouldn’t be an empty array.
5067错误Invalid value for ‘jsxFactory’. ‘{0}’ is not a valid identifier or qualified-name.
6001信息Concatenate and emit output to single file.连接输出并将其发出到单个文件。
6002信息Generates corresponding ‘.d.ts’ file.生成相应的 “.d.ts” 文件。
6003信息Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations.指定调试程序应放置映射文件的位置而不是生成的位置。
6004信息Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations.指定调试程序应放置 TypeScript 文件的位置而不是源位置。
6005信息Watch input files.监视输入文件。
6006信息Redirect output structure to the directory.将输出结构重定向到目录。
6007信息Do not erase const enum declarations in generated code.请勿清除生成代码中的常数枚举声明。
6008信息Do not emit outputs if any errors were reported.如果报告了任何错误,请不要发出输出。
6009信息Do not emit comments to output.请勿将注释发出到输出。
6010信息Do not emit outputs.请勿发出输出。
6011信息Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking.允许从不带默认输出的模块中默认输入。这不会影响代码发出,只是类型检查。
6012信息Skip type checking of declaration files.
6015信息Specify ECMAScript target version: ‘ES3’ (default), ‘ES5’, ‘ES2015’, ‘ES2016’, ‘ES2017’, or ‘ESNEXT’指定 ECMAScript 目标版本: “ES3″ (默认)、”ES5” 或 “ES2015” (实验)
6016信息Specify module code generation: ‘commonjs’, ‘amd’, ‘system’, ‘umd’ or ‘es2015’指定模块代码生成: “commonjs”、”amd”、”system”、”umd” 或 “es2015”
6017信息Print this message.打印此消息。
6019信息Print the compiler’s version.打印编译器的版本。
6020信息Compile the project in the given directory.在指定目录中编译项目。
6023信息Syntax: {0}语法: {0}
6026信息Examples: {0}示例: {0}
6029信息Version {0}版本 {0}
6030信息Insert command line options and files from a file.从文件插入命令行选项和文件。
6032信息File change detected. Starting incremental compilation…检测到文件更改。正在启动增量编译…
6042信息Compilation complete. Watching for file changes.编译完成。查看文件更改。
6043信息Generates corresponding ‘.map’ file.生成相应的 “.map” 文件。
6044错误Compiler option ‘{0}’ expects an argument.编译器选项“{0}”需要参数。
6045错误Unterminated quoted string in response file ‘{0}’.响应文件“{0}”中引号不配对。
6046错误Argument for ‘{0}’ option must be: {1}Argument for ‘–module’ option must be ‘commonjs’, ‘amd’, ‘system’, ‘umd’, ‘es2015’, or ‘none’.
6048错误Locale must be of the form or . For example ‘{0}’ or ‘{1}’.区域设置必须采用 <语言> 或 <语言>-<区域> 形式。例如“{0}”或“{1}”。
6049错误Unsupported locale ‘{0}’.区域设置“{0}”不受支持。
6050错误Unable to open file ‘{0}’.无法打开文件“{0}”。
6051错误Corrupted locale file {0}.区域设置文件 {0} 已损坏。
6052信息Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied ‘any’ type.对具有隐式 “any” 类型的表达式和声明引发错误。
6053错误File ‘{0}’ not found.找不到文件“{0}”。
6054错误File ‘{0}’ has unsupported extension. The only supported extensions are {1}.不支持文件“{0}”的扩展名。唯一支持的扩展名为 {1}。
6055信息Suppress noImplicitAny errors for indexing objects lacking index signatures.抑制缺少索引签名的索引对象的 noImplicitAny 错误。
6056信息Do not emit declarations for code that has an ‘@internal’ annotation.请勿对具有 “@internal” 注释的代码发出声明。
6058信息Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with –outDir.指定输入文件的根目录。与 –outDir 一起用于控制输出目录结构。
6059错误File ‘{0}’ is not under ‘rootDir’ ‘{1}’. ‘rootDir’ is expected to contain all source files.文件“{0}”不在 “rootDir”“{1}”下。”rootDir” 应包含所有源文件。
6060信息Specify the end of line sequence to be used when emitting files: ‘CRLF’ (dos) or ‘LF’ (unix).指定发出文件时要使用的行序列结尾: “CRLF” (dos)或 “LF” (unix)。
6064错误Option ‘{0}’ can only be specified in ‘tsconfig.json’ file.
6065信息Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators.对 ES7 修饰器启用实验支持。
6066信息Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators.对发出修饰器的类型元数据启用实验支持。
6068信息Enables experimental support for ES7 async functions.对 ES7 异步函数启用实验支持。
6069信息Specify module resolution strategy: ‘node’ (Node.js) or ‘classic’ (TypeScript pre-1.6).指定模块解决策略: “node” (Node.js) 或 “classic” (TypeScript pre-1.6)。
6070信息Initializes a TypeScript project and creates a tsconfig.json file.初始化 TypeScript 项目并创建 tsconfig.json 文件。
6071信息Successfully created a tsconfig.json file.已成功创建 tsconfig.json 文件。
6072信息Suppress excess property checks for object literals.取消对象文字的多余属性检查。
6073信息Stylize errors and messages using color and context. (experimental)使用颜色和上下文风格化错误和消息。(实验)
6074信息Do not report errors on unused labels.不报告有关未使用的标签的错误。
6075信息Report error when not all code paths in function return a value.在函数中的所有代码路径并非都返回值时报告错误。
6076信息Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement.报告 switch 语句中遇到 fallthrough 情况的错误。
6077信息Do not report errors on unreachable code.不报告有关不可访问的代码的错误。
6078信息Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file.不允许对同一文件采用大小不一致的引用。
6079信息Specify library files to be included in the compilation:
6080信息Specify JSX code generation: ‘preserve’ or ‘react’指定 JSX 代码生成: “preserve” 或 “react”
6081信息File ‘{0}’ has an unsupported extension, so skipping it.“–jsx” 的参数必须为 “preserve” 或 “react”。
6082错误Only ‘amd’ and ‘system’ modules are supported alongside –{0}.–{0} 旁仅支持 “amd” 和 “system” 模块。
6083信息Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names.允许编译 JavaScript 文件。
6084信息Specify the object invoked for createElement and __spread when targeting ‘react’ JSX emitSpecifies the object invoked for createElement and __spread when targeting ‘react’ JSX emit
6085信息Enable tracing of the name resolution process.
6086信息======== Resolving module ‘{0}’ from ‘{1}’. ========
6087信息Explicitly specified module resolution kind: ‘{0}’.
6088信息Module resolution kind is not specified, using ‘{0}’.
6089信息======== Module name ‘{0}’ was successfully resolved to ‘{1}’. ========
6090信息======== Module name ‘{0}’ was not resolved. ========
6091信息‘paths’ option is specified, looking for a pattern to match module name ‘{0}’.
6092信息Module name ‘{0}’, matched pattern ‘{1}’.
6093信息Trying substitution ‘{0}’, candidate module location: ‘{1}’.
6094信息Resolving module name ‘{0}’ relative to base url ‘{1}’ – ‘{2}’.
6095信息Loading module as file / folder, candidate module location ‘{0}’, target file type ‘{1}’.
6096信息File ‘{0}’ does not exist.
6097信息File ‘{0}’ exist – use it as a name resolution result.
6098信息Loading module ‘{0}’ from ‘node_modules’ folder, target file type ‘{1}’.
6099信息Found ‘package.json’ at ‘{0}’.
6100信息‘package.json’ does not have a ‘types’ or ‘main’ field.
6101信息‘package.json’ has ‘{0}’ field ‘{1}’ that references ‘{2}’.
6102信息Allow javascript files to be compiled.
6103错误Option ‘{0}’ should have array of strings as a value.Option ‘{0}’ should have array of strings as a value.
6104信息Checking if ‘{0}’ is the longest matching prefix for ‘{1}’ – ‘{2}’.
6105信息Expected type of ‘{0}’ field in ‘package.json’ to be ‘string’, got ‘{1}’.
6106信息‘baseUrl’ option is set to ‘{0}’, using this value to resolve non-relative module name ‘{1}’
6107信息‘rootDirs’ option is set, using it to resolve relative module name ‘{0}’
6108信息Longest matching prefix for ‘{0}’ is ‘{1}’
6109信息Loading ‘{0}’ from the root dir ‘{1}’, candidate location ‘{2}’
6110信息Trying other entries in ‘rootDirs’
6111信息Module resolution using ‘rootDirs’ has failed
6112信息Do not emit ‘use strict’ directives in module output.Do not emit ‘use strict’ directives in module output.
6113信息Enable strict null checks.
6114错误Unknown option ‘excludes’. Did you mean ‘exclude’?
6115信息Raise error on ‘this’ expressions with an implied ‘any’ type.
6116信息======== Resolving type reference directive ‘{0}’, containing file ‘{1}’, root directory ‘{2}’. ========
6117信息Resolving using primary search paths…
6118信息Resolving from node_modules folder…
6119信息======== Type reference directive ‘{0}’ was successfully resolved to ‘{1}’, primary: {2}. ========
6120信息======== Type reference directive ‘{0}’ was not resolved. ========
6121信息Resolving with primary search path ‘{0}’
6122信息Root directory cannot be determined, skipping primary search paths.
6123信息======== Resolving type reference directive ‘{0}’, containing file ‘{1}’, root directory not set. ========
6124信息Type declaration files to be included in compilation.
6125信息Looking up in ‘node_modules’ folder, initial location ‘{0}’
6126信息Containing file is not specified and root directory cannot be determined, skipping lookup in ‘node_modules’ folder.
6127信息======== Resolving type reference directive ‘{0}’, containing file not set, root directory ‘{1}’. ========
6128信息======== Resolving type reference directive ‘{0}’, containing file not set, root directory not set. ========
6129错误The config file ‘{0}’ found doesn’t contain any source files.
6130信息Resolving real path for ‘{0}’, result ‘{1}’
6131错误Cannot compile modules using option ‘{0}’ unless the ‘–module’ flag is ‘amd’ or ‘system’.
6132信息File name ‘{0}’ has a ‘{1}’ extension – stripping it
6133错误‘{0}’ is declared but never used.
6134信息Report errors on unused locals.
6135信息Report errors on unused parameters.
6136信息The maximum dependency depth to search under node_modules and load JavaScript files
6137信息No types specified in ‘package.json’, so returning ‘main’ value of ‘{0}’
6138错误Property ‘{0}’ is declared but never used.
6139信息Import emit helpers from ‘tslib’.
6140错误Auto discovery for typings is enabled in project ‘{0}’. Running extra resolution pass for module ‘{1}’ using cache location ‘{2}’.
6141信息Parse in strict mode and emit “use strict” for each source file
6142错误Module ‘{0}’ was resolved to ‘{1}’, but ‘–jsx’ is not set.
6143错误Module ‘{0}’ was resolved to ‘{1}’, but ‘–allowJs’ is not set.
6144信息Module ‘{0}’ was resolved as locally declared ambient module in file ‘{1}’.
6145信息Module ‘{0}’ was resolved as ambient module declared in ‘{1}’ since this file was not modified.
6146信息Specify the JSX factory function to use when targeting ‘react’ JSX emit, e.g. ‘React.createElement’ or ‘h’.
6147信息Resolution for module ‘{0}’ was found in cache.
6148信息Directory ‘{0}’ does not exist, skipping all lookups in it.
7005错误Variable ‘{0}’ implicitly has an ‘{1}’ type.变量“{0}”隐式具有“{1}”类型。
7006错误Parameter ‘{0}’ implicitly has an ‘{1}’ type.参数“{0}”隐式具有“{1}”类型。
7008错误Member ‘{0}’ implicitly has an ‘{1}’ type.成员“{0}”隐式包含类型“{1}”。
7009错误‘new’ expression, whose target lacks a construct signature, implicitly has an ‘any’ type.其目标缺少构造签名的 “new” 表达式隐式具有 “any” 类型。
7010错误‘{0}’, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an ‘{1}’ return type.缺少返回类型批注的“{0}”隐式具有“{1}”返回类型。
7011错误Function expression, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an ‘{0}’ return type.缺少返回类型批注的函数表达式隐式具有“{0}”返回类型。
7013错误Construct signature, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an ‘any’ return type.缺少返回类型批注的构造签名隐式具有返回类型 “any”。
7015错误Element implicitly has an ‘any’ type because index expression is not of type ‘number’.Element implicitly has an ‘any’ type because index expression is not of type ‘number’.
7016错误Could not find a declaration file for module ‘{0}’. ‘{1}’ implicitly has an ‘any’ type.属性“{0}”隐式具有类型 “any”,因为其 “set” 访问器缺少类型批注。
7017错误Element implicitly has an ‘any’ type because type ‘{0}’ has no index signature.对象类型的索引签名隐式地含有 “any” 类型。
7018错误Object literal’s property ‘{0}’ implicitly has an ‘{1}’ type.对象文字的属性“{0}”隐式含有“{1}”类型。
7019错误Rest parameter ‘{0}’ implicitly has an ‘any[]’ type.Rest 参数“{0}”隐式具有 “any[]” 类型。
7020错误Call signature, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an ‘any’ return type.缺少返回类型批注的调用签名隐式具有返回类型 “any”。
7022错误‘{0}’ implicitly has type ‘any’ because it does not have a type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in its own initializer.“{0}”隐式具有类型 “any”,因为它不具有类型批注,且在其自身的初始化表达式中得到直接或间接引用。
7023错误‘{0}’ implicitly has return type ‘any’ because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions.由于“{0}’”不具有返回类型批注并且在它的一个返回表达式中得到直接或间接引用,因此它隐式具有返回类型 “any”。
7024错误Function implicitly has return type ‘any’ because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions.由于函数不具有返回类型批注并且在它的一个返回表达式中得到直接或间接引用,因此它隐式具有返回类型 “any”。
7025错误Generator implicitly has type ‘{0}’ because it does not yield any values. Consider supplying a return type.生成器隐式具有类型“{0}”,因为它不生成任何值。请考虑提供一个返回类型。
7026错误JSX element implicitly has type ‘any’ because no interface ‘JSX.{0}’ existsJSX 元素隐式具有类型 “any”,因为不存在接口“JSX.{0}”
7027错误Unreachable code detected.检测到无法访问的代码。
7028错误Unused label.未使用的标签。
7029错误Fallthrough case in switch.switch 语句中的 Fallthrough 情况。
7030错误Not all code paths return a value.并非所有代码路径都返回值。
7031错误Binding element ‘{0}’ implicitly has an ‘{1}’ type.
7032错误Property ‘{0}’ implicitly has type ‘any’, because its set accessor lacks a parameter type annotation.
7033错误Property ‘{0}’ implicitly has type ‘any’, because its get accessor lacks a return type annotation.
7034错误Variable ‘{0}’ implicitly has type ‘{1}’ in some locations where its type cannot be determined.
8000错误You cannot rename this element.无法重命名此元素。
8001错误You cannot rename elements that are defined in the standard TypeScript library.不能重命名标准 TypeScript 库中定义的元素。
8002错误‘import … =’ can only be used in a .ts file.“import … =” 只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
8003错误‘export=’ can only be used in a .ts file.“export=” 只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
8004错误‘type parameter declarations’ can only be used in a .ts file.“type parameter declarations” 只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
8005错误‘implements clauses’ can only be used in a .ts file.“implements clauses” 只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
8006错误‘interface declarations’ can only be used in a .ts file.“interface declarations” 只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
8007错误‘module declarations’ can only be used in a .ts file.“module declarations” 只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
8008错误‘type aliases’ can only be used in a .ts file.“type aliases” 只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
8009错误‘{0}’ can only be used in a .ts file.“{0}”只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
8010错误‘types’ can only be used in a .ts file.“types” 只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
8011错误‘type arguments’ can only be used in a .ts file.“type arguments” 只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
8012错误‘parameter modifiers’ can only be used in a .ts file.“parameter modifiers” 只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
8015错误‘enum declarations’ can only be used in a .ts file.“enum declarations” 只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
8016错误‘type assertion expressions’ can only be used in a .ts file.“type assertion expressions” 只能在 .ts 文件中使用。
9002错误Only identifiers/qualified-names with optional type arguments are currently supported in a class ‘extends’ clauses.类 “extends” 子句当前只支持具有可选类型参数的标识符/限定名称。
9003错误‘class’ expressions are not currently supported.当前不支持 “class” 表达式。
9004错误Language service is disabled.
17000错误JSX attributes must only be assigned a non-empty ‘expression’.只能为 JSX 属性分配非空“表达式”。
17001错误JSX elements cannot have multiple attributes with the same name.JSX 元素不能具有多个名称相同的特性。
17002错误Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for ‘{0}’.“{0}”预期的相应 JSX 结束标记。
17003错误JSX attribute expected.需要 JSX 属性。
17004错误Cannot use JSX unless the ‘–jsx’ flag is provided.无法使用 JSX,除非提供了 “–jsx” 标志。
17005错误A constructor cannot contain a ‘super’ call when its class extends ‘null’当构造函数的类扩展 “null” 时,它不能包含 “super” 调用。
17006错误An unary expression with the ‘{0}’ operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.乘方表达式的左侧不允许存在具有“{0}”运算符的一元表达式。请考虑用括号将表达式括起。
17007错误A type assertion expression is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.乘方表达式的左侧不允许出现类型断言表达式。请考虑用括号将表达式括起。
17008错误JSX element ‘{0}’ has no corresponding closing tag.JSX element ‘{0}’ has no corresponding closing tag.
17009错误‘super’ must be called before accessing ‘this’ in the constructor of a derived class.‘super’ must be called before accessing ‘this’ in the constructor of a derived class.
17010错误Unknown type acquisition option ‘{0}’.Unknown typing option ‘{0}’.
17011错误‘super’ must be called before accessing a property of ‘super’ in the constructor of a derived class.
17012错误‘{0}’ is not a valid meta-property for keyword ‘{1}’. Did you mean ‘{0}’?Too many JavaScript files in the project. Consider specifying the ‘exclude’ setting in project configuration to limit included source folders. The likely folder to exclude is ‘{0}’. To disable the project size limit, set the ‘disableSizeLimit’ compiler option to ‘true’.
17013错误Meta-property ‘{0}’ is only allowed in the body of a function declaration, function expression, or constructor.
18000错误Circularity detected while resolving configuration: {0}
18001错误A path in an ‘extends’ option must be relative or rooted, but ‘{0}’ is not.
18002错误The ‘files’ list in config file ‘{0}’ is empty.
18003错误No inputs were found in config file ‘{0}’. Specified ‘include’ paths were ‘{1}’ and ‘exclude’ paths were ‘{2}’.
90001信息Add missing ‘super()’ call.
90002信息Make ‘super()’ call the first statement in the constructor.
90003信息Change ‘extends’ to ‘implements’.
90004信息Remove unused identifiers.
90006信息Implement interface ‘{0}’.
90007信息Implement inherited abstract class.
90009错误Adding a tsconfig.json file will help organize projects that contain both TypeScript and JavaScript files. Learn more at https://aka.ms/tsconfig
90010错误Type ‘{0}’ is not assignable to type ‘{1}’. Two different types with this name exist, but they are unrelated.
90013信息Import {0} from {1}
90014信息Change {0} to {1}
90015信息Add {0} to existing import declaration from {1}
8017错误Octal literal types must use ES2015 syntax. Use the syntax ‘{0}’.
8018错误Octal literals are not allowed in enums members initializer. Use the syntax ‘{0}’.


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