style View#style
use strict;var React = require(react-native);var { StyleSheet, TabBarIOS, Text, View, } = React;var TabBarExample = React.createClass({ statics: { title: <TabBarIOS>, description: Tab-based navigation. }, getInitialState: function() { return { selectedTab: redTab, notifCount: 0, presses: 0, }; }, _renderContent: function(color: string, pageText: string) { return ( <View style={[styles.tabContent, {backgroundColor: color}]}> <Text style={styles.tabText}>{pageText}</Text> <Text style={styles.tabText}>{this.state.presses} re-renders of the More tab</Text> </View> ); }, render: function() { return ( <TabBarIOS> <TabBarIOS.Item title="Blue Tab" selected={this.state.selectedTab === blueTab} onPress={() => { this.setState({ selectedTab: blueTab, }); }}> {this._renderContent(#414A8C, Blue Tab)} </TabBarIOS.Item> <TabBarIOS.Item systemIcon="history" badge={this.state.notifCount > 0 ? this.state.notifCount : undefined} selected={this.state.selectedTab === redTab} onPress={() => { this.setState({ selectedTab: redTab, notifCount: this.state.notifCount + 1, }); }}> {this._renderContent(#783E33, Red Tab)} </TabBarIOS.Item> <TabBarIOS.Item systemIcon="more" selected={this.state.selectedTab === greenTab} onPress={() => { this.setState({ selectedTab: greenTab, presses: this.state.presses + 1 }); }}> {this._renderContent(#21551C, Green Tab)} </TabBarIOS.Item> </TabBarIOS> ); }, });var styles = StyleSheet.create({ tabContent: { flex: 1, alignItems: center, }, tabText: { color: white, margin: 50, }, });module.exports = TabBarExample;