源代码是在 BSD-style 许可下经过许可的,是在源代码树的根目录下的 LICENSE 文件里找到的。额外授予的专利权可以在同目录下的 PATENTS 文件里找到。
static saveImageWithTag(tag: string, successCallback, errorCallback)
@param {string} tag – 可以是我们所接受的三种标签中的任意一个:1、url 2、assets-library 标签 3、存储一个图像的内存中返回的标签
static getPhotos(params: object, callback: function, errorCallback: function)
利用来自设备中的本地相机相册的图片识别对象来调用 callback
函数,通过 getPhotosReturnChecker
@param {object} params -见 getPhotosParamChecker
。@param {function} callback -通过getPhotosReturnChecker
定义自变量的类型调用成功。@param {function} errorCallback – 通过错误消息调用失败。
use strict; var React = require(react-native); var { CameraRoll, Image, SliderIOS, StyleSheet, SwitchIOS, Text, View, } = React; var CameraRollView = require(./CameraRollView.ios); var CAMERA_ROLL_VIEW = camera_roll_view; var CameraRollExample = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return { groupTypes: SavedPhotos, sliderValue: 1, bigImages: true, }; }, render() { return ( <View> <SwitchIOS onValueChange={this._onSwitchChange} value={this.state.bigImages} /> <Text>{(this.state.bigImages ? Big : Small) + Images}</Text> <SliderIOS value={this.state.sliderValue} onValueChange={this._onSliderChange} /> <Text>{Group Type: + this.state.groupTypes}</Text> <CameraRollView ref={CAMERA_ROLL_VIEW} batchSize={5} groupTypes={this.state.groupTypes} renderImage={this._renderImage} /> </View> ); }, _renderImage(asset) { var imageSize = this.state.bigImages ? 150 : 75; var imageStyle = [styles.image, {width: imageSize, height: imageSize}]; var location = asset.node.location.longitude ? JSON.stringify(asset.node.location) : Unknown location; return ( <View key={asset} style={styles.row}> <Image source={asset.node.image} style={imageStyle} /> <View style={styles.info}> <Text style={styles.url}>{asset.node.image.uri}</Text> <Text>{location}</Text> <Text>{asset.node.group_name}</Text> <Text>{new Date(asset.node.timestamp).toString()}</Text> </View> </View> ); }, _onSliderChange(value) { var options = CameraRoll.GroupTypesOptions; var index = Math.floor(value * options.length * 0.99); var groupTypes = options[index]; if (groupTypes !== this.state.groupTypes) { this.setState({groupTypes: groupTypes}); } }, _onSwitchChange(value) { this.refs[CAMERA_ROLL_VIEW].rendererChanged(); this.setState({ bigImages: value }); } }); var styles = StyleSheet.create({ row: { flexDirection: row, flex: 1, }, url: { fontSize: 9, marginBottom: 14, }, image: { margin: 4, }, info: { flex: 1, }, }); exports.title = <CameraRollView>; exports.description = Example component that uses CameraRoll to list users photos; exports.examples = [ { title: Photos, render(): ReactElement { return <CameraRollExample />; } } ];